Volunteer Appreciation Sayings What's A Good Slogan For A PTO/school Volunteer Drive?
What's a good slogan for a PTO/school volunteer drive? - volunteer appreciation sayings
I'm trying to put together a program that we hope to encourage to volunteer and share in our primary schools. We really want everyone to know that * all * the amount of time of the year is important, useful and valuable. We are trying to overcome the common complaint that we (or busy to listen to the parents but not all) Do you have no time to help around the school.
So we have some money collected (hotel accommodation, gift vouchers, dinner, massage, directly on the moon ...) and we are giving away. During the year the volunteers will receive a ticket for each hour or part thereof, to help the school in any way - to help in the classroom, baking, at meetings of the PTO, planning and staffing events, helping children with their fundraising, teachers help after school, works in the library ...
I will go with the slogan and the name for all this. Something like: "Every minute is important" or "make the high school class." Nothingness "Volunteer Appreciation Raffle. Ideas?
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