Over Moms Knees My 6 Month Old Is Getting Up On Her Hands And Knees And Pushing Herself Forward Over And Over Again.?

My 6 month old is getting up on her hands and knees and pushing herself forward over and over again.? - over moms knees

I'm just interested to know whether this is as the crawl? Mother very proud!


Jennifer L said...

I would not say crawling yet, but is a precursor to crawling. She will soon move.

To qualify as creeping forwards or backwards (some children crawl backwards first) movement should occur. Monitoring / Tracing Army is technically scoot.

Jennifer L said...

I would not say crawling yet, but is a precursor to crawling. She will soon move.

To qualify as creeping forwards or backwards (some children crawl backwards first) movement should occur. Monitoring / Tracing Army is technically scoot.

Jennifer L said...

I would not say crawling yet, but is a precursor to crawling. She will soon move.

To qualify as creeping forwards or backwards (some children crawl backwards first) movement should occur. Monitoring / Tracing Army is technically scoot.

Jennifer L said...

I would not say crawling yet, but is a precursor to crawling. She will soon move.

To qualify as creeping forwards or backwards (some children crawl backwards first) movement should occur. Monitoring / Tracing Army is technically scoot.

Ashlyn said...

Well, I wouldnt say it but, as a mother and exploration, you know. haha. shes very close and early follow-up phase and give a little more before you realize it's gone. haha. Chance to be everywhere and you'll get plenty of exercise too:)

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