Doubling Up On Birth Control Pills To Stop Bleeding Birth Control Pills Make Me Bleed Too Much! Life In Ruins!?
Birth control pills make me bleed too much! Life in ruins!? - doubling up on birth control pills to stop bleeding
I went to the doc many times my constant bleeding. I can bleed for a month at a time! They put me on 3 different birth control pills. Once the bleeding does not stop at all. It was so heavy that he could not go to work and cramping was so bad I could not walk. Also ended in the emergency room! The other 2 have to stop the bleeding, but if it should be the time to experience a normal period, the same as above, should have. The loss of blood clots and ongoing suffering enormous overlap. I can hardly even a job because she and my husband at a loss. It ruined my life! In addition, am, as I have a child that my husband and I are welcome. The doctors here know not clear where they go to another in this dilemma. I wonder, what if someone has done this and find a solution. Please help!
First, if the bleeding for a month, then something is really wrong, I would like to find a new CD to in this way to the bottom of all this, I know first hand what it like a doctor telling him feel themselves when a crazy woman knows that something is up. You should tell your doctor today if he or she did not give more help with, then you must be referred to another doctor, perhaps a doctor who can perform tests on fertility, if you do not see your doctor about other facts.
I'm confused. They complain about the terrible side affects pill discouraged want to get pregnant? Then you stop taking the pill.
* Oh, sorry. Now I understand. You were still bleeding and you set the pill to try to stop the bleeding. Did you mean? So need a new doctor. Get a second, third, fourth, opinions, etc., until someone finds something that works. NO is normal (or nothing), too often, bleeding. Why not expand on some of the serious problems? "
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