How To Makegirdles For Travestis How To Clip My Hamsters Nails Without Hurting Her?

How to clip my hamsters nails without hurting her? - how to makegirdles for travestis

My hamster Tilly is REALLY tame, but let my leg. She is 15 weeks, and long fingernails, which never cut! How could I be able to keep constant the leg? Can I use nail scissors or cutting of small planes?
Thank you in advance for the answer


kimi_kam... said...

A fine file will be beautiful, but you must be very careful with him.

I have had the nails from time to time hamster cut. My trick was to worry about the food quickly and grabbed his foot and cut the nails with baby nail clippers. Yet lower some of them only for food and bite me. xD

Some people take a role sandpaper on the wheel a bit grainy and you can run it on this point will be. The nails are slightly reduced. I like the idea because I think it would hurt their feet. I do this only if you can find a, um.

kimi_kam... said...

A fine file will be beautiful, but you must be very careful with him.

I have had the nails from time to time hamster cut. My trick was to worry about the food quickly and grabbed his foot and cut the nails with baby nail clippers. Yet lower some of them only for food and bite me. xD

Some people take a role sandpaper on the wheel a bit grainy and you can run it on this point will be. The nails are slightly reduced. I like the idea because I think it would hurt their feet. I do this only if you can find a, um.

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